Thanks For Your Feedback

Have we added value to your organization?

Tell us how. Your feedback is an inspiration to others!

Your Testimonial Is Really Helpful…

STEP 1: Identify Yourself

Complete the form – tell us who you are or what org you are with – and why you enjoy working with ChurchINK

STEP 2: Record Video

Use the simple tool on this page to record 20-30 seconds testimonial. No editing required. Consider showing off something we’ve produced for your in your video.

<iframe src='' frameBorder='0' style='width:100%;height:1250px;' id='submit_kudo'></iframe>

Tips For A Great Testimonial

  • What have we done for you?
  • Why do you depend on us?
  • What are we great at?
  • Why should others buy from us?